The Antikafé – socialist heritage or hipster hang out?

Ideally the article would read:

“The rich seem to have a knack of inventing new ways to NOT spend money.”

Most people got offended by this statement – which is quite amusing – as they are, at best, pushing middle class …

Had they been rich, we would have already high-fived, celebrated their genius at filling their coffers, and mine for capturing life’s quirks in a few words.

However, in the real world of editorial lines and advertising-funded magazines, such observations are best kept in “ze” pocket until someone puts a glass of wine in my hand … and the chief investor in front of me.

In the meantime, follow this link, to read my slightly edited thoughts on the antikafé scene… after all, free coffee, free tea, free biscuits, all for 100 rub an hour… what could possibly be wrong with that?

The Antikafé According to Element

Going green in Moscow, there’s something in the water

Green as in environmentally friendly and healthy that is. Don’t deny it. You immediately splodged right into that big stereotypical puddle there. The one with the sign : “Moscow is making her ill”. Well you were wrong, sort of. Over the first year and a half, I reckon I lost enough hair to reweave every tapestry of Westminster. I imported shampoo, bought expensive conditioner and even complained. Nothing worked.

Until this. Easy solutions that actually save your hair and your money. Click here to access my knowledge

Hippie-free solution guaranteed

Find a mate… or a murderer – Lianochka’s Guide to Internet Dating

Love is a beautiful thing, but very honestly, it’s not my main focus in life.

Denial is.

But it’s a good thing, because love drives me to drink, to despair and to be even worse at my job than I generally am.

So I have turned love into a profitable adventure (1rub per word) : free Russian lessons, free drinks and free company to boot.

Warming up in Winter